Israeli forces kill two Palestinians protesting Israel’s Apartheid Wall

Writings on Israel’s Apartheid Wall (Photo: Al-Haq)

Israeli forces killed two Palestinians and wounded dozens in the village of Biddu, near Jerusalem, during a protest against Israel’s Apartheid Wall. Mohammad Sabel Rayan (30), a father of two from Beit Duqqu and Zakariya Eyad, a father of three from Beit Iksa were shot today during a demonstration. Rayan was hit by a bullet in his spine and Eyad was hit in his chest.

Witnesses on the ground reported that women, children, internationals and Israeli activists were protesting. They are afraid that the Israeli army will cause more casualties. Since yesterday, thousands of protesters have been protesting in a non-violent manner, confronting Israeli bulldozers working on Israel’s Apartheid Wall. Yesterday 11 activists were shot at with live bullets and taken to hospital, seven others sustained injuries caused by beatings and rubber-coated metal bullets. ISM founder Huwaida Arraf was punched in the face by an Israeli soldier and then arrested. She has not been released.

Witnesses said that Israeli forces took over a Palestinian home in Biddu trying to disperse the protesters. Today marked the second day of protests in Biddu and the village of Beit Surik. Palestinians confronted Israeli forces who tried to make room for construction workers building Israel’s Apartheid Wall.

Yesterday, Israeli forces wounded at least 50 Palestinians protesting against Israel’s Apartheid Wall. In Beit Surik, about a hundred protesters tried to confront Israeli bulldozers razing a 150m row of olive trees. Israeli forces have surrounded Beit Surik and are aiding bulldozers to raze Palestinian land. Witnesses said that more than 50 people were wounded. According to Israel Radio, the part of Israel’s separation barrier under construction in Beit Surik is part of a 96 km area between the Elkana colony and Ofer detention center.

The construction of Israel’s Apartheid Wall in Beit Surik will raze 350 dunums of village land, and will isolate another 6100 dunums of prime agricultural land behind it. Farmers in Beit Surik grow mostly plums, almonds and olives. According to PENGON, the final completion of the Wall will leave Beit Surik with virtually no land left to farm, once again destroying the livelihood of an entire community.

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