War on Want 13 April 2005
Cindy Corrie joined War on Want and Caterkiller activists today in delivering a simple message to John Lewis Department Store: stop selling Caterpillar products, until Caterpillar stops selling bulldozer’s to the Israeli Army. Cindy’s daughter, Rachel Corrie, was killed by a Caterpillar bulldozer while protesting against house demolitions in Occupied Palestine 2 years ago.
A report released by War on Want today, accuses Caterpillar of complicity in the destruction of thousands of homes in the Occupied Territories, as well as construction of the illegal Separation Wall being built by the Israeli government. Activists spent the morning asking store managers of Clarks, River Island, Debenhams, Shuh and Barrett that they use the International Day of Action against Caterpillar to make a stand against corporate complicity in human rights violations by de-listing Caterpillar products.
War on Want Campaigns Officer Nick Dearden said “Caterpillar’s Chief Executive is fully aware of the uses his bulldozer’s are put to, yet he still claims that his company is ‘doing well by doing good around the world’. We think that Britain’s consumers have a right to know about the real Caterpillar, and believe they’d prefer their boots without blood on them.”
War on Want fights poverty in developing countries in partnership and solidarity with people affected by globalisation. We campaign for workers’ rights and against the root causes of global poverty, inequality and injustice.
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