Human Rights

Israeli forces kill Palestinian child and wound 11 others in assassination attempt

Failing to assassinate a wanted Palestinian, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian child (11) and injured 11 other civilians, including three children, one of which is in serious condition. An Israeli attack helicopter fired a missile at a civilian car, a white Peugot 205, on Wihda street, a densely populated area in Gaza City. The missile hit the front of the car but failed to kill the passengers. However, 11-year old Tariq al-Sousi, who was on his way to school, was thrown off his feet by the explosion and hit a nearby tree. He was transferred to hospital but soon after he died of his wounds. 

Israeli forces kill Palestinian and wound 12 others in Rafah

Israeli forces invaded Rafah and opened fire, wounding 12 Palestinian residents, including two children and two women. Israeli forces then surrounded the home of Ashraf Abu Libda, who is wanted by Israel, and ordered him to surrender. After he refused, an exchange of fire occured, in which Abu Libda was killed by several live bullets throughout his body. Israeli forces have maintained their presence in the area and have continued to open fire on residents. They surrounded a number of homes. PCHR is concerned that this military operation may cause more casualties among unarmed Palestinian civilians. 

Legality of Israel's Wall to be tested before the International Court of Justice

In December of last year the United Nations General Assembly decided to request an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice on one of the most controversial issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent years, Israel’s construction of a “security wall” in the Occupied Territories. The ICJ, often called the World Court, is based at the Peace Palace in The Hague and was established under the Charter of the United Nations, adopted in San Francisco in 1945. A judgement or an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice carries considerable weight. Shane Darcy explains the process and implications. 

International Court refuses to disqualify judge

By an Order of 30 January 2004 the International Court of Justice decided, by thirteen votes to one, that certain matters brought to the attention of the Court by letters of 31 December 2003 and 15 January 2004 from the Government of Israel, were “not such as to preclude Judge Elaraby from participating in the present case”. In its Order, the Court finds that in the present case the activities of Elaraby were performed in his capacity of a diplomatic representative of his country, most of them many years before the question of the wall, now submitted for advisory opinion, arose. 

Israeli forces kill 4 Palestinians, including a physically handicapped

On Monday morning, the second day of the Eid, Israeli occupying forces killed 4 Palestinians during a military incursion into Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in the west of Rafah.  Israeli occupying forces claimed the reason for the incursion into the neighborhood was to arrest an allegedly wanted Palestinian.  Two of the victims were brothers, one of whom was physically handicapped and allegedly wanted by Israeli occupying authorities. Three Palestinian civilians were also wounded. PCHR believes that international silence encourages Israel to continue to perputuate war crimes and unlawful conduct. 

44 countries file statements to International Court

The United Nations, 44 of its Member States, Palestine, the League of Arab States and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference have filed written statements within the time-limit fixed by the International Court of Justice by an Order of 19 December 2004 in the case concerning Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The time-limit fixed was 30 January 2004. On 8 December 2003, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution in which, referring to Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, it requested the International Court of Justice. 

Weekly report on human rights violations

This week, Israeli forces killed 9 Palestinians, including 4 children. Eight were killed during an Israeli invasion on Gaza City. Israeli forces invaded a number of other areas in the occupied Palestinian territories. More agricultural land was razed and homes demolished. Israel continues to use Palestinian civilians as human shields. The construction of Israel’s Separation Barrier continued and more Palestinian land was confiscated for this purpose. Israel continued indiscriminate shelling of Palestinian residential areas. Israeli forces demolished a five-floor building in Nablus. 

Israeli army in Hebron uses PRCS ambulance as shield

A PRCS ambulance was used by Israeli soldiers as shield entering Aroub refugee camp. Israeli soldiers stopped the ambulance at the entrance of the refugee camp and initially denied it permission to continue. Israeli soldiers began searching the ambulance, and one of the soldiers threatened the crew that they would be shot if they did not follow orders. The soldier then ordered the ambulance driver to drive into the camp very slowly without turning on the siren. The driver was obliged to continue driving further into the camp when suddenly the soldiers began to fire at the direction of camp residents. 

Right of Return: Two-State solution again sells Palestinians short

SAN FRANCISCO - It is a tragic irony that, more than 55 years ago, one desperate people seeking sanctuary from murderous racism decimated another - and continue to oppress its scattered survivors to this day. In 1948, about 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homeland, their land and possessions taken by the new Jewish state of Israel. This included the Jerusalem home of my grandparents, Hanna and Mathilde Bisharat, which was expropriated through a process tantamount to state-sanctioned theft. George Bisharat comments. 

Israeli forces kill 8 Palestinians in Al-Zaytoun

Today, Israeli forces conducted a major military incursion into Al Zaytoun, a residential district of Gaza city, killing 8 Palestinians and causing extensive damage to civilian property. Israeli forces entered from al-Shuhada junction, near Netzarim settlement, south of Gaza City, and moved approximately 1.5 km into al-Zaytoun neighborhood. Israeli forces took up position in the center of al-Zaytoun and fired live bullets and artillery shells at Palestinian civilians. 
