Coverage Trends

Unqualified use of the term "Arab Israeli" instead of "Palestinian"

In various news reports, the Palestinian minority in Israel is selectively termed as “Arab Israelis” or “Israeli Arabs.” Palestinians living in what became known as Israel call themselves “Palestinians”, sometimes further specifying that they are “Palestinians of 48” and thus are an integral part of the Palestinian people. 

Palestinian "terrorists", Jewish "vigilantes"

Although the use of the adjective ‘vigilante’ is unlikely to be intended by any journalist to imply that killing three Palestinians — including a baby — on their way to a wedding party is an act of ‘justice’, their inappropriate use of this word does make it obvious that many journalists shy away from applying the adjective ‘terrorist’ to Jews or ‘Israelis’ but do not apply the same restraint when writing about Palestinians. 

A non-existent "lull", "quiet", or "calm" -- the blatant semantic clues of journalists admitting they fail to consider Israeli violence against Palestinians noteworthy

This is not a new coverage trend, but rather has been a persistent pattern, both with respect to Israel’s violence against Palestinians and during Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon. 
