United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 7 October 2004
The 600 families, approximately 3,300 persons, have been completely unable to leave their homes since the beginning of the Israeli military operation on 29 September. Most have exhausted their food supplies and many have seen their water and electricity connections to their homes cut by bulldozing operations.
The delivery was facilitated by a practical dialogue between UNRWA and Israeli military liaison officers. Thanks to this approach, the Agency was able to coordinate the movement of a convoy of aid trucks into the area under IDF control.
In today’s operation 300 families in the Sikka Street and Tel Es Zatar area received food parcels. UNRWA hopes to reach the remaining 300 families tomorrow. Each food parcel contained 15kg of rice, 15kg of sugar, 12kg of lentils, five kg of whole milk, seven litres of sunflower oil, 60 tins of canned meat, fish and vegetables and a bag of fresh bread. UNRWA also trucked in 8,000 litres of potable water.
UNRWA is grateful for the assistance of the World Food Programme, which supplied the bread and cooking oil for the food parcels.
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