23 September 2002

The delegation is appalled by the Israeli high-tech version of apartheid being implemented in the West Bank and Gaza. It is affronted by the construction of an encircling wall — longer and higher than the Berlin Wall — strangling Palestinian communities and dashing all hopes for the future. We are deeply concerned by the adverse short- and long-term effects of the occupation on the health and nutrition of Palestinian children, as underlined in a recent USAID report. Shocked by the constant sufferings and daily humiliations of the Palestinian people, which we have witnessed first hand, the delegation urgently calls for:
The delegation stresses that there can be no peace without justice. It also underlines that silence in the face of gross injustice is a form of complicity. As a confederation of 154 Catholic member organizations working in 198 countries and territories, Caritas Internationalis pledges the following:
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