Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel 23 May 2006
The Palestinian call for boycott of Israeli academic institutions [1] is endorsed by the most important federations and associations of academics and professionals and is supported by dozens of civil society institutions in Palestine. Like the Palestinian civil society’s widely endorsed call for a campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS), [2] it is based on the same moral principle embodied in the international civil society campaign against the apartheid regime in South Africa: that people of conscience must take a stand against oppression and must use all the means of civil resistance available to bring an end to oppression. Palestinians are appealing to academics, professionals, artists and other activists in the world to work towards bringing an end to a regime that practices colonial oppression, discrimination against its Palestinian citizens, and which denies the rights of Palestinians to return to their homeland.
We hope that NATFHE members will join the growing international movement by showing that no business as usual can be conducted with the Israeli academy until it takes a clear and unequivocal stand against the forms of oppression practiced by the Israeli state. This is what conscientious British academics did more than twenty years ago during the struggle against apartheid in South Africa; this is what we hope they will do to help resist Israel’s own version of apartheid. Until it effectively ends its complicity, the Israeli academy — as a major institutional upholder of the prevailing order — cannot expect exemption from the boycott. Boycott and divestment are the only non-violent forms of action available to people of conscience the world over. We salute those who recognize that since justice for Palestinians cannot be expected from the international centers of world power, they must organize to further the cause of justice and genuine peace.
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