Palestinian Center for Human Rights 14 March 2007

Palestinian children inspect cars burnt in clashes in Gaza City, 14 March 2007. (MaanImages/Wesam Saleh)
On Tuesday evening, 13 March 2007, a member of the ‘Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades (the armed wing of Hamas) was killed and 10 other persons, including three members of the ‘Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades, were wounded in Gaza City in an incident related to the clashes that took place last month in the Gaza Strip. Additionally, four persons, including a child, were wounded in clashes between members of Hamas and those of Fatah movement in the northern Gaza Strip.
According to investigations conducted by PCHR:
At approximately 18:30 on Tuesday, 13 March 2006, a number of members of the Noufal family intercepted a car, in which four members of the ‘Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades were traveling, in al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the east of Gaza City, and wanted to take the car claiming that the car belongs to them and was stolen from them during the clashes that took place in the Gaza Strip last month. The two sides quarreled and the quarrel then developed into an armed clash. A member of the ‘Izzin al-Qassam Brigades, ‘Alaa’ ‘Omar al-Haddad, 45, was killed by a gunshot to the abdomen. Ten persons, including three members of the ‘Izzin al-Qassam Brigades, were also wounded.
Soon after, more members of the ‘Izzin al-Qassam Brigades arrived at the area and demanded a member of the Noufal family to surrender, accusing the Khalifa family of harboring him. They besieged two houses belonging to Nafez and Wa’el Khalifa. They opened fire at the two houses and burnt two cars belonging to Nafez and ‘Aadel Khalifa.
Earlier on Tuesday, approximately 08:00, a number of gunmen affiliated to Fatah movement fired a projectile at a house belonging to Hamza ‘Edwan, a leader of Hamas, in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun. Soon after, armed members of Hamas and the Executive Force of the Ministry of Interiors opened fire at a house belonging to Hani Na’im, a leader of Fatah movement in the town. Bassel Mustafa Na’im, 32, was wounded by a gunshot to the right leg. Later, Mousa Mohammed Na’im, 16, was wounded by shrapnel to the left foot.
At approximately 10:10 also on Tuesday, Ibrahim Mohammed al-Za’anin, 26, was wounded by a four gunshots to the feet during clashes in Beit Hanoun.
At approximately 06:00 on Monday, 12 March 2007, a number of unknown gunmen intercepted Jamal al-Zanati, 51, a Preventive Security Service officer, and Ahmed Rzeq, 24, an officer of the National Security Forces, when they were on their way back homes in Jabalya refugee camp. They took them to a site of the Executive Force to the east of Jabalya. The two security men were released two hours later unharmed.
At approximately 10:00 also on Monday, unknown gunmen fired at a vehicle of the National Security Forces that was traveling on Salah al-Din road, east of Jabalya. No casualties were reported.
At approximately 15:00 on the same day, unknown gunmen kidnapped Mohammed al-Rashaida, 35, a member of the Military Intelligence Service, when he was on his way back home in Jabalya refugee camp. Soon after, members of the al-Rashaida family kidnapped four members of the Executive Force and held them in a house in the refugee camp. Many members of the Executive Force besieged the house and opened fire at it. Following mediation, the four members of the Executive Force were released, while al-Rashaida remained abducted.
At approximately 17:00 on the same day, clashes erupted between members of Hamas and those of Fatah movement near a house belonging to Sufian al-Kafarna. Nasser Khaled al-Kafarna, 40, was wounded by a gunshot to the head.
PCHR is concerned over the continuation of such clashes in spite of the state of quietness the has prevailed recently. PCHR calls upon all parties to resort to dialogue and abstain from using violence to resolve differences.
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