Hope and Optimism for Palestinians in the Next Generation 2 February 2007

Massive Attack will play three benefit gigs in February 2007 in aid of the Hoping Foundation. Hoping stands for Hope and Optimism for Palestinians in the Next Generation. Established in January 2003, the charity is supported exclusively by private donors and public fundraising events, such as concerts and auctions.
The charity was launched in order to offer support and encouragement to Palestinian children living in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East. Hoping’s aim is to help generate possibilities, giving refugee children a belief in the promise of a better future, and show them that their struggle to transform their lives is encouraged and supported by people in Britain and throughout the rest of the world.
HOPING is a small charity with minimal administration, which insures that funds raised are given directly to local Palestinian community projects that work with children in the refugee camps. It focuses specifically on small grassroots organisations, such as youth centres, local committees, and disabled centres, and supports libraries, summer schools, as well as theatre, music, art, and dance groups.
The three shows will take place in Birmingham and London and will feature Spiritualized as the main support. Spiritualized will play an “acoustic mainline show”, featuring Jason Pierce accompanied by strings and gospel singers. Also playing the London gigs are Trio Joubran, who hail from the city of Nazareth, while all shows boast a DJ set by Checkpoint 303. All profits will go to the Hoping Foundation.
Massive Attack are currently back in the UK and completing work on their fifth studio album after touring for the majority of this year. They played the festival circuit as well as their own dates, including headline shows at Coachella, Wireless and the Hollywood Bowl.
Details for the dates are:
(0870 771 2000 / 0870 151 4444)
[sold out]
(0870 771 2000 / 020 7287 0932 / 0870 151 4444)
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