7 May 2003
The Karameh Campaign has been launched in Montreal, Canada to respond to the ongoing attempt to criminalize Palestinian solidarity organizing at Concordia University, other universities and communities, throughout Montreal and around the world.
The Karameh campaign has been inspired by Palestinian solidarity organizing in Montreal and is intimately connected to social justice organizing in general. Also the Karameh campaign to defend Palestinian solidarity organizing, has been inspired by the actions taken on September 9th 2002, at Concordia University in Montreal. 1500 students and allies rose up that day in opposition to the presence, at Concordia University, of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has been instrumental in the massacre of the Palestenian people, who has ordered the arbitary detainment and torture of civillians and who has intiated a policy of collective punishment including the destruction of civilian homes, fields, crops and the murder and deportation of the relatives and friends criminalized by the Israeli state.
The Karameh campaign is composed of many groups, organizations and individuals from throughout Montreal and is coordinated by the organizing collective that includes members of Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR Montreal) and the No One is Illegal campaign in Montreal. It is a campaign endorsed by individuals and members of other community groups committed to issues of social justice. The word Karameh means Dignity in Arabic and is also the name of a town from which the Palestinian resistance launched its first effective attack in the effort to reclaim their land and rights.