Intelligence general and bodyguards killed in Gaza internal violence

Palestinians attend the funeral of one of four persons killed the previous night by unknown masked militants in Gaza City, 16 September 2006. (MaanImages/Wesam Saleh)

PCHR Condemns the Killing of a General in the General Intelligence Apparatus and his 4 Bodyguards in Gaza City

PCHR strongly condemns the terrible murder crime that led to the death of General Jad Abdel Karim El-Tayeh (56), the director of international cooperation in the General Intelligence Apparatus, and his four bodyguards. The crime was perpetrated by unknown gunmen in Gaza City. The Centre calls upon the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to seriously investigate this crime, and bring the perpetrators to justice.

PCHR’s preliminary investigation and eyewitness accounts indicate that at approximately 13:30 on Friday, 15 September 2006, General El-Tayeh and his four bodyguards were traveling in a grey Audi on Sea Street, near the house of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya in Beach Camp. Gunmen traveling in a green Mitsubishi Magnum intercepted the General’s car and fired heavily at its occupants. Eyewitnesses indicate that the General’s driver lost control of the car, which then swerved to the right and hit the sidewalk. Three masked gunmen got out of the Mitsubishi Magnum and fired heavily at General El-Tayeh and his bodyguards from a distance of one meter, killing them all. One of the gunmen opened the trunk of the General’s car and confiscated a black briefcase. The gunmen then fled the scene. The bodyguards are:

  • Mohammad Abu El-Oun (54);
  • Mohammad Suliman Abu Shari’a (34);
  • Mohammad Zeyad El-Sakani (24); and
  • Yosri Yunis Abu Zayed (30).

    It is noted that general headquarters of the General Intelligence Apparatus is located one kilometer to the north of the scene of the crime.
    PCHR strongly condemns this crime; and:

  • Points with concern to the forms of security chaos plaguing the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in the Gaza Strip;
  • Calls upon the PNA, represented by the Attorney-General, to seriously investigate this crime, and bring the perpetrators to justice; and
  • Views the failing of the PNA to take appropriate legal action against the perpetrators of previous crimes to be one of the main reasons behind the continuation of the security chaos, which opens the door for more crimes and violations of the rule of law.