United Civilians for Peace 22 August 2005

Former Dutch prime minister Andreas Van Agt.
From 22 to 28 August a delegation of former European politicians and representatives of civil society organisations will travel to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The delegation members have planned a 6-day tour through Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
The delegation will observe the developments on the ground and the impact of the disengagement on the human rights situation and the prospects for conflict resolution. Special attention will be paid to infringements on the freedom of movement of the Palestinians.
The delegation will talk to representatives of local NGOs, local academics, and Israeli and Palestinian politicians. At the end of their trip they will present their observations and findings. On August 28th (Sunday), the trip will be concluded with an international press conference in East-Jerusalem.
The delegation is headed by Prof. Andreas van Agt, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands and currently the chairman of the International Advisory Council of the International Forum for Justice and Peace.
The mission is organised and led by the Dutch NGO United Civilians for Peace (UCP). United Civilians for Peace is a cooperative effort of Dutch peace- and development organisations (Novib, ICCO, Cordaid, Kerkinactie, Pax Christi and IKV) on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. UCP is working for a peaceful solution of the conflict with peace and security for both peoples on the basis of international law and the relevant UN resolutions. The mission is organised in cooperation with the International Forum for Justice and Peace, a Dutch Foundation promoting peace in the Middle East.
Delegation Members
The delegation members include:
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