24 March 2004

One of Al-Jazeera’s images of the assassination aftermath. Click here to view Al-Jazeera’s slideshow.
In a resolution adopted following an urgent special sitting on the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory resulting from the assassination of Sheikh Yassin, the Commission noted with grave concern the implications of such targeted assassinations, liquidation and murder of political leadership by the Israeli occupation forces on the overall situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, particularly the possibility of a fresh wave of violence.
The Commission called upon Israel to accord fullest respect to the principles of international humanitarian law and to desist from all forms of violation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory.
The resolution was adopted by a roll-call vote of 31 in favour, two against and 18 abstentions.
Israel, speaking as a concerned country, said that the Commission had become accustomed to Israel-bashing, and today the forum had clearly reached its nadir by lending a hand and moral standing to terrorism, the most despicable of all evils. One saw a prominent United Nations organ manipulated, not for the first time, and heading toward the establishment of a precedent of lending support to acts of terrorism instead of condemning them unequivocally.
Palestine, also speaking as a concerned country, said the Commission had often adopted resolutions requiring Israel to put an end to its violation of rights in the occupied Arab territories and to put an end to their operations of liquidation, assassination and extra-judiciary executions, crimes which violated the right to life, and yet the Government of Israel ignored them. The United Nations as a whole should take a stand on these flagrant violations and call upon Israel to respect the resolutions.
Delivering statements during the special sitting were Algeria, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, China, Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, India, Indonesia, Ireland on behalf of the European Union, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United States, Venezuela and Yemen.
The following non-governmental organizations also participated in the special sitting: International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (in a joint statement with several NGOs1); Al Haq (in a joint statement with several NGOs2); Indian Movement “Tupaj Amaru” (in a joint statement with several NGOs3); Simon Wiesenthal Congress (in a joint statement with International Association of Jewish Lawyers and jurists, Women’s International Zionist Organization; International Council of Jewish Women); World Union for Progressive Judaism and United Nations Watch.
Action on Resolution
The Commission, by a roll-call vote of 31 in favour, two against and 18 abstentions, adopted resolution E/CN.4/2004/L4 on the grave situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, in which it strongly condemned the continuing grave violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular the tragic assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin on 22 March 2004, in contravention of the Hague Convention IV of 1907; noted with grave concern the implications of such targeted assassinations, liquidation and murder of political leadership by the Israeli occupation forces on the overall situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, particularly the possibility of a fresh wave of violence; and called upon Israel to accord fullest respect to the principles of international humanitarian law and to desist from all forms of violation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory.
The results of the vote were as follows:
In favour: (31): Argentina, Armenia, Bahrain, Bhutan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, China, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Mauritania, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
Against: (2): Australia and United States.
Abstentions: (18): Austria, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Peru, Republic of Korea, Sweden, Ukraine and United Kingdom.
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