It's about time israel's dominance in the world ends. Boycott all avenues, trade, travel, education, and whatever else one can think of.
Palestinian lives are just as valuable as americans and israeli lives. This barbaric, senseless killing/extermination engaged by israel against Palestinians has to STOP.
Send the boat back to where it comes from
Permalink Saleem replied on
People: Take matters in your own hands now. Since governments are so unwilling to do anything against israhell; then by all means, do it yourselves!
send Israeli boats back
Permalink James M Booth replied on
Indiscriminate slaughter of human beings anywhere on our planet must stop now.
I agree
Permalink Saleem Rustom replied on
I fully agree James.
End israel's dominance
Permalink Saleem Rustom replied on
It's about time israel's dominance in the world ends. Boycott all avenues, trade, travel, education, and whatever else one can think of.
Palestinian lives are just as valuable as americans and israeli lives. This barbaric, senseless killing/extermination engaged by israel against Palestinians has to STOP.
Permalink Mark replied on
Great action.. But what next.?i