Ali Abunimah’s blog

Palestinian officials who decry Gilo colony in public, offered it to Israel in negotiations

Palestinian officials in Ramallah have condemned Israel’s recently announced decision to expand by 1,100 Jewish-only housing units the illegal settlement of Gilo built on land stolen from the occupied West Bank villages of Beit Jala, Beit Safafa and Sharafat. But what they say in public is at odds with their private willingless to hand the settlement over to Israel in its entirety. Condemnation from “chief negotiator” A 27 September press release states: 

Irvine students found guilty for protesting Israel ambassador await sentencing

Ten University of California students were today found guilty of on charges of “conspiracy” and “disrupting” a public meeting for a February 2010 protest against Israeli ambassdor Michael Oren. The Irvine 11 case (there were originally 11 defendants) became a test of the limits of freedom of speech. The Electronic Intifada’s Nora Barrows-Friedman has been in court for much of the trial and providing full coverage.