Ali Abunimah’s blog

Video: “We - the global 99% - shall overcome!” Omar Barghouti’s salute to PennBDS conference

Despite all attempts to bully BDS activists at UPenn into cancelling their historic conference, they have prevailed. Omar Barghouti, a human rights activist and founding member of the Palestinian civil society Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in this video salutes PennBDS and all US activists who have adopted BDS as the most effective form of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality. 

Leading Palestinians boycott UN head Ban Ki-moon in Gaza as rebuffed prisoners' families greet him with shoes

Leading Palestinian figures including prominent human rights advocates Dr. Eyad Sarraj, and Raji Sourani have boycotted a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Gaza today over the latter’s refusal to meet with the families of Palestinian prisoners. 

EI's Ali Abunimah vs former CIA chief Woolsey on Penn BDS conference, in dueling Inquirer op-eds

The Phildelphia Inquirer today publishes opposing op-eds on the upcoming boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) conference one by Ali Abunimah and the other by former CIA chief James Woolsey and Jonathan Schanzer of the pro-Israel neocon group Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.