Ali Abunimah’s blog

Head of Spain press association assaults Palestine protestor with belt, video shows

The head of the press association in Granada, Spain, took off his belt and threatened to beat a Palestine solidarity protestor at the opening ceremony of a graphical exhibition celebrating “25 years of diplomatic relations between Spain and Israel.” This is the latest of several incidents of violence being threatened or used against Palestine solidarity protests in recent weeks. 

Hana al-Shalabi: 20 days of hunger strike while world looks away from Israel's abuses

While almost the entire US Congress genuflected to Israel and its supposed “democracy” at the annual AIPAC convention in Washington this week, victims of Israel’s political repression, including Hana al-Shalabi who is on day 20 of her hunger strike, languished in its prisons ignored by world media. 

Palestinian woman's hunger strike enters third week against arbitrary detention by Israel

Today marks the 15th day of Hana al-Shalabi’s hunger strike against her arbitrary imprisonment by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. Currently held in the Hasharon prison, she was seized from her home near Jenin in a violent nighttime raid in the early hours of 16 February. 

Palestinian woman on 11th day of hunger strike, as parents join her to protest no-charge detention by Israel

As Palestinian “administrative detainee” Hana Al-Shalabi, 29, entered her eleventh day on hunger strike, her parents announced they had begun their own hunger strike in solidarity, against their daughter’s imprisonment without charge or trial by Israel. 

Khader Adnan recovering but not out of danger as Palestinian woman takes up hunger strike against her detention

Khader Adnan, the Palestinian who ended a 66 day hunger strike against his detention by Israel without charge or trial is recovering well, but remains in a precarious medical condition. Meanwhile, news has emerged that a Palestinian woman is on hunger strike against her detention without charge or trial by Israel.