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Israel's Labor party not to be mourned

Ehud Barak, Israel’s defense minister, appears to have driven the final nail in the coffin of the Zionist left with his decision to split from the Labor party and create a new “centrist, Zionist” faction in the Israeli parliament. So far four Members of Parliament, out of a total of 12, have announced they are following him. Jonathan Cook analyzes. 

ICCO reaffirms support for EI after meeting Dutch minister

The Netherlands-based foundation ICCO issued the following press release on 13 January 2011 reaffirming its support for The Electronic Intifada, after a meeting between ICCO and Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal. In November, Rosenthal had publicly criticized and promised to investigate ICCO’s support for The Electronic Intifada after NGO Monitor — an Israeli organization with close links to the Israeli government, military and the West Bank settler movement — published a series of false allegations against the publication, as The Electronic Intifada previously reported. 

Canada's double standards

Canada’s tax system currently subsidizes Israeli settlements that Ottawa deems illegal, however, the Conservative government says there’s nothing that can be done about it. The exact amount is not known but it’s safe to assume that millions of Canadian dollars make their way to Israeli settlements every year. Yves Engler comments for The Electronic Intifada.