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AIPAC does not speak for me

AIPAC pretends to speak for all Jews, but it certainly does not speak for me or other members of the Jewish community in this country who are committed to equal rights for all and are aware that American interventionism is likely to bring further disaster and chaos to the Middle East. 

USPCN: protest Bashar Masri's appearance at America-Israel Chamber of Commerce

Today the US Palestinian Community Network issued a statement on the occasion of International Workers’ Day, giving a summary of the sacrifices Palestinian workers have made for the national liberation struggle, and describing the violations of Palestinian workers’ rights by Israel. Here’s an excerpt: 

Israeli high court decision a serious setback for Gaza war crimes victims

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights issued the following press release on Saturday, 30 April following the Israel high court’s rejection of an appeal to extend the two-year statute of limitations imposed on filing compensation cases.  According to PCHR, this ruling “epresents a serious setback for the victims, and their legitimate quest for accountability and redress.” Israel’s High Court of Justice Dismisses Petition Filed on Behalf of More Than 1,000 Victims of Operation Cast Lead