Activism News

Israeli minister's speech disrupted at London university

Students protested and disrupted a lecture on Monday at the London School of Economics (LSE) by Daniel Ayalon, the controversial Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel. More than 50 students and activists greeted Ayalon outside of the lecture on LSE’s campus with placards and banners, while inside audience members heckled the controversial minister as a “racist” and “murderer” in relation to the illegal occupation and violence carried out by the Israeli state. 

Israeli Jews take on settlers

AWARTA, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Away from the media spotlight that focuses on the widening chasm between Israelis and Palestinians, a group of Israeli humanists is quietly working to break down barriers with their Palestinian neighbors. Rabbi Arik Ascherman, director of Israel’s Rabbis for Human Rights, has been used as a human shield, arrested, and beaten up several times by Israeli security forces while defending Palestinians. 

EI exclusive video: Protesters shout down Ehud Olmert in Chicago

Approximately 30 activists – mainly students from area universities – disrupted a lecture given in Chicago by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert yesterday which was hosted by the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy. While Olmert’s speech was disrupted inside the lecture hall, approximately 150 activists protested outside the hall in the freezing rain. 

Israeli highschoolers choose jail over occupation army service

Israeli youth who refuse to cooperate with Israel’s military occupation are sent into a lengthy and relentless labyrinth of court martials and consecutive jail terms in what Israeli lawyer Michael Sfard calls a “price tag” meant to deter other young Israelis from non-participation. “Otherwise,” he says, “[the Israeli government’s] argument says, everyone — of ideological or personal reasons — will refuse to serve.” The Electronic Intifada contributor Nora Barrows-Friedman recently interviewed two young Israeli women who have refused to serve in the army. 

Night raids in Bilin target activists

For the last three months, residents of the West Bank village of Bilin have been subjected to constant night raids by the Israeli military in retaliation for the village’s five-year campaign of nonviolent resistance against Israel’s wall being constructed on their land. Members of the Bilin Popular Committee have been arrested as well as teenagers and young boys from the village in order to obtain forced confessions against committee members. Bilin Popular Committee’s Media Coordinator Abdullah Abu Rahme tells the story of the 16 September 2009 raid of his home to The Electronic Intifada contributor Jody McIntyre. 

Israeli forces arrest anti-wall organizer

Palestinian human rights defender and activist Mohammad Othman was arrested by Israeli forces on 22 September 2009. It is believed that Mohammad’s arrest is related to his human rights activism. In the last few years, Mohammad has been extremely active in his advocacy efforts by briefing activists and officials, locally and internationally, on Israel’s illegal construction of the wall, informing the media on daily developments and monitoring human rights violations. 

Settlement university dropped from prestigious architecture competition

The University Center of Ariel in Samaria (AUCS) has been excluded from the Solar Decathlon, an international university competition promoting sustainable architecture. The self-styled AUCS, claiming to represent Israel, though situated in the illegal settlement of Ariel in the occupied West Bank, was one out of 20 architecture teams short-listed from university entries last April to compete for the Solar Decathlon-Europe 2010. The Spanish Government together with the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid organizes this most prestigious competition for sustainable architecture in the world. 
